Ashley and Kelli first met back in 2012 working at Lululemon and became quick friends. Kelli didn’t know that her world was about to be turned upside down by a cancer diagnosis. Her husband, Alex, was diagnosed at 41 with terminal appendix cancer, which led Kelli to start her business as a yoga instructor specializing in a practice meant for oncology patients and their caregivers. She hopes to bring the same treatment, closeness, and bonding that she experienced with her own husband during his treatment before his passing.

Kelli is an incredible example of someone channeling grief into a passion, where she is creating a space for oncology patients and their caregivers. When she turned to Ashley for photography and visuals, Ashley leapt at the chance to help Kelli launch her platform and her business that is bringing so much good in a time that is so challenging. “I really understood how massively supportive this could be if it could be in every hospital as a form of care. I saw the bigger picture in her work and wanted to make sure I could support in my own way and get the branding foundation as angelic as possible to create an aesthetic that spoke to hope and healing.”
From Kelli’s outfit, to the location they chose for shooting, Ashley helped handpick each detail to help make sure that Kelli’s story, peace, and warmth would be felt through her visuals. Ashley also helped recruit several of her yogi friends to come be part of the shoot, to create visuals that looked natural.

“I look for creative ways to match imagery to the context of the website and messaging the client provides. In this case, it was important to bring in extra bodies to showcase the caregiver and patient aspect of what Kelli’s yoga services provide. Fortunately when you build a network of many wonderful people, they’re bound to show up for you and those you’re trying to help.” Said Ashley reflecting on the project with Kelli.

To date, Kelli continues to offer private sessions and workshops, as well as running the Alexander de la Torre Project, a benefit project that assists oncology patients and caregivers with the cost of treatment.
We are thrilled to be able to be part of this amazing story and to continue to lift Kelli and her amazing work up. During this holiday season- you can make a $100 donation to cover the cost of someone’s session.